2023 Clinic Mitigations and Protocols
As the safety and health of all at Smith Walbridge Clinics is paramount, the following precautions have been implemented for the 2023 season. This list is subject to change as events and policies unfold, at the State Health Department, EIU, and elsewhere.
Negative Covid-19 Test OR Proof of Vaccination for Entry
No proof of vaccination or negative Covid-19 test will be required for entry to the clinics. We highly recommend, but will not require, all eligible participants to be vaccinated for Covid-19 and subsequent boosters also received. SWC also highly recommends, but will not require, each participant to take an at-home (or other) Covid-19 antigen or PCR test immediately prior to their arrival at the clinic.
Masking at the clinic in all spaces is now optional. If participants choose to mask, they will supply their own masks. Extra masks will be available for a small charge in the clinic store.
Capacity and Social Distancing
Classrooms are at normal capacity for this season
Participants will have a roommate. Students of the same sex and of the same school are roomed together, unless requested otherwise. Other students have a roommate from the same clinic, and of the same approximate age. Students may not enter the rooms of others on their floor. They are welcome to meet in common areas within the residence hall and on the surrounding lawn/quad. Bathrooms are communal. Surfaces in bathrooms are cleaned each day using a disinfectant spray. Every other day, bathrooms are completely scrubbed down. Air filtration systems exist on every floor, each with recommended filters. All rooms are opened, cleaned, and sanitized before participant entry. In almost every instance, the room has been vacant a minimum of 48 hours before occupied by an incoming participant.
Participants will bring in, and then pack out their own bedding. Please bring appropriate storage (bags) to cover and depart with all sheets/blankets/pillows/sleeping bags. This minimizes our staff contact with participant used bedding, and eliminates dirty bedding mass collection at the conclusion of the clinic. All beds are twin XL size mattresses.
Temperature Checks
An initial intake temperature check will be performed (see “Check-In” below), but no routine temperature checks will be performed during the length of the clinic. Digital forehead thermometers are used in our First Aid area if students are not feeling well.
Hand sanitizing stations and wipes are available in the lobby near all doors and in the lower level. Participants are encouraged to move their activity during free periods outside to the lawn area.
Clinic check-in will be outdoors, weather permitting. Parents may accompany their child at the check-in. A health prescreening form will be completed, as well as a temperature check. Parents will not be allowed into the residence hall or onto any student floor. Hugs and goodbyes, or time spent chatting before the clinic is welcome outdoors in the lawn area. We ask that you please not ask to be an exception to this rule. Any assistance needed will be provided by the participant’s floor intern.
Clinics eat in shifts to avoid lines and crowds. Meals are dine-in, in the attached cafeteria. Students are not to share food or drink, and dispose of their dishes on a belt that delivers to the cafeteria wash room. Cafeteria staff routinely wipe tables down as students clear them.
Class locations
Classes will take place outdoors, as much as possible. This is typical of our clinics. SW staff has carefully accounted for years now for elements like sun, heat, rain, wind, and other outdoor conditions and the necessary modifications for student wellness, growth, learning, and enjoyment. Some typical “indoor classes” will be moved outside, while other indoor classes will remain, following capacity guidelines in place. Should adverse weather arise, large indoor facilities (gymnasiums, fieldhouse, lecture halls) are secured for use.
Structured evening activities will take place outdoors, and indoors.
Other Camps/Conferences
Other camps and conferences do run concurrently with Smith Walbridge Clinics. They do NOT use the same residence hall facilities, but they DO utilize the same cafeteria services. Dining times with these groups are staggered.
Digital notifications/materials
Participants are encouraged to opt into receiving printed materials digitally (schedules, handouts, etc). Also, participants are asked to subscribe to our Remind service for announcements regarding time or location changes, to avoid mass groups gathering to hear or waiting to move. This Remind service works on any cellular or wifi enabled device. It is only open to one-way communication from the clinic director to all. Join details are announced at the opening session.
First Aid
Participants with injury-related needs who visit the first aid station are separated by wall-type dividers. The staff in first aid wear additional PPE when necessary for close contact, depending on the injury. Participants are asked to participate in their own first aid care as much as possible to avoid close contact (i.e. apply own band-aid, etc.).
Participants feeling ill will be monitored by our staff, but will be asked to quarantine in their room. Temperature and symptoms will be monitored. For any illness that is not fleeting (temporary headache, allergy, etc.), the participant will remain quarantined, and the parent will be called to pick up the participant (or dismiss in writing if they drove themselves). SW will share any and all symptoms and recorded information with the parent, as requested. Any roommate of a participant who becomes ill will be issued a new room.
Procedural Modification
SW may modify COVID-19 related procedures at its clinics. SW works closely with EIU, the Coles County Health Department, and the Illinois Department of Public Health to ensure best practices are being implemented and followed for the safety of all participants, staff, and the larger surrounding communities. Attendance at SW Clinics means that you accept the current and updated COVID-19 related restrictions and procedures. SW reserves the right to dismiss any participant who cannot abide by these guidelines and subsequent modifications, or refuses to do so.
Participant Recommendations from SWC
For the safest and best experience possible for you and others at camp, SWC makes the following recommendations, prior to your arrival:
1. Be as reserved as possible in your social engagements for two weeks prior to your arrival at SWC. You will reduce your probability of contracting or spreading any communicable disease if you have as few contacts as possible.
2. Prior to camp, be particularly vigilant to wear a mask, stay socially distant from others, limit time spent in an area, and be outdoors with others (as opposed to indoors) when possible.
3. Take (or schedule) a Covid-19 test prior to your arrival at camp.
4. SWC recommends strictly quarantining in the time between taking your COVID-19 test, and arriving at camp.
5. If you are eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine, and subsequent booster, get it.
6. Bring clean, washed bedding, clothing, shoes, and masks to the clinic.
7. Check for fever and run a “COVID-19 screening” check before leaving home for the clinic.